I have been working with a women with alopecia and she has not had any hair growth on her body for 14 years. I did a Biofield Tuning session in November and December of 2016. I worked on removing anger and I did an adrenal reset during those two sessions. She had come back for another session in March and I saw amazing results from the last two sessions. Hair has started to grow in patches on her head. Removing and integrating incoherent blocks of energy allows the body to readjust and become healthier. This is very exciting news and the results are measurable.
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The law of nature that states everything has a vibration. If you've taken a chemistry class you probably remember learning about atoms, and that everything is made up of atoms. These atoms are in a constant state of motion, and depending on the speed of these atoms, things are appear as a solid, liquid, or gas. Sound is also a vibration and so are thoughts. Everything that manifests itself in your life is there because it matches the vibration from your thoughts.
There is no solidity in the universe. A form that appears solid is actually created by an underlying vibration. Vibrations express themselves in corresponding geometrical figures and in this way build up crystals that are the expression of vibration. Crystals collectively form a body of an element according to its particular vibration. The forms of snowflakes and faces of flowers take on their shape because they are responding to some sound in nature. Crystals, plants, and human beings are music that has taken on visible form. There is agreement among science, medicine and metaphysics that certain frequencies can repel disease, and certain frequencies can destroy disease. Herein lies the link between frequency (vibration) and health. Everything in nature vibrates at different frequencies. In fact quantum physics describes the universe as nothing more than vibrating strings of energy! Scientific research has shown that different parts of our bodies have their own sonic signature. In other words the sound of the cells of your heart differs from the sound of the cells of your Lungs. When parts of the body become stressed or dis-eased, they are no longer producing the correct sound wave; in other words they are not vibrating at their prime (optimal) resonant frequency. To re-establish or recalibrate your frequency, you need to understand how lower and higher vibrations affect your energy and health. From http://altered-states.net/ One Biofield Tuning session removed the blocks in the energy that was causing one women TMJ for years. She always had jaw pain while eating food that was more difficult to chew. She was a teeth grinder and had to wear a mouth piece to bed for years. She was happy to tell me after one tuning session the TMJ was gone and she no longer was wearing the night mouth piece because she was not grinding her teeth in her sleep any more!
As you begin to align yourself with the evolution of life itself, with the growth of life and consciousness, you will be lifted up in ways that you may not be able to imagine. Miracles will occur. Opportunities will open before you, and your destiny will be changed as you live in service to life. When there is an opportunity to be kind to another human or an animal, let your kindness show. When there is an opportunity to show compassion to another, be compassionate.When there is an opportunity to listen to someone, grant the grace and listen. Listen fully and deeply without wanting to impose your own views or your own agenda. There are miracles waiting for you when you ask the unasked question, “What can I do here that will serve the greater good? What can I do here that will serve life’s deepest purpose through me?
You are complex interconnecting fields of energy, including both light and sound. The various cells that comprise the organs and systems of your body emit sound vibrations – frequencies – that are complex and interconnect with other cells, thus creating complex cellular resonances. In fact the entire universe of your body is a walking symphony. You are luminous eggs of cascading energy, creating multiple cascading resonances of sound. Your body, for instance, is a standing wave pattern created through many forces, and these various standing waves that comprise your body are in resonance to the Earth, and are also affected by the resonant shifts that the Earth is going through. Transiting into the fifth dimension requires finesse on your part if you are to accomplish the task of living your day-to-day life while accommodating this expanded reality. One of the future abilities of humanity, collectively speaking, will be the ability to live in third and fourth dimensions — meaning space and time as you currently know them — while simultaneously living in the fifth dimension where space and time are not experienced as constraints. This dual reality will offer humanity immense creative insights and abilities. It is helpful to remember that each person is the creator of his or her own reality, and in the midst of chaos people will make different choices and enter different personal realities. Do not be swayed by those who enter lower vibratory realms. Look upward and live upward with curiosity and an expectation of miracles, and even in the gravest of situations miracles can, and will, occur for you. Learn to live in love, appreciation, and compassion for one another. Regardless of what you hear in the media, live it in your life from day to day as best you can, and learn to grow your life with these emotions as part of your chosen identity. This will have two effects, one personal and one collective. You will add to the collective atmosphere that will counterbalance the interference patterns of fear. The personal effect is a balancing effect on your emotional body that will bring you increased health and higher evolutionary advances, regardless of what happens to the collective. If you learn to live in appreciation you will enter a domain, a vibration, that will carry you through the chaos of these times. You will find a type of solace and comfort, and the vibrational rate of your energy body will increase. At some point you will reach what we call escape velocity. You will easily step out of the illusions and the lies of the old world. You will see them for what they are, and you will become a joyous co-creator of a new world that is being birthed even as the old world passes away right before your eyes. It is essential to train yourself to be aware of your feelings and emotions. It is equally essential to notice where these feelings and emotional energies move in your body. Where do they pulse? How intense and in what direction is that pulse? Each of you has at the heart, that fire of suns, that spark of creatorness that contains all that there is. And so, in a very important way, each of you is, beyond all changes, yourself. The you that was created before time and space, the only you that was ever you, the only you that will ever be you, you are unique. And truly are you precious and beloved to the Creator who values every distortion and seeming imperfection that has dented and banged you in the fire of learning and made you who you are. For you vibrate with a certain chord that cannot be duplicated, that is essentially you, that is most beautiful. The Heart Chakra is at the midpoint between the lower and upper chakras, which is why many refer to it as the “Great Transformer.” It is the Central Sun of the body, and it is the cantilever from which all movement takes place energetically into wholeness and into higher states of consciousness. The Heart Center is ‘petal-like’, but all the different chakras literally have an energetic structure in the subtle realm that is much like a flower. Whenever the flower of the Heart opens, there is an increase in feelings. So as you experience more feeling, the petals of your Heart open and extend themselves. As you feel less emotion – becoming more withdrawn and less attuned to your feelings – these petals tend to close up. Tom Kenyon – The Hathors Energy changes with intention, instantaneously and powerfully. Changing your electromagnetic field of energy is not difficult, nor does it take years of study or practice. It is immediate. You can understand this by simply changing your thoughts and noticing the instant shift in the energy within and around you. Through practice, you can better manage, moment to moment, the energy that surrounds you.
Our organic human space suits consist of individual cellular galaxies that operate within different electrical frequencies. The heart frequency which is the strongest vibrates differently different than the liver, is different than the kidneys, is different than the skin, is different than the brain. All giving off their own unique signature vibration. But what if we could harmonize all to one frequency, and create a harmonious song between all parts of this vibrational being we find ourselves within. When seeing your own being, as pure loving potential, vibrantly alive and as a reflection into every Being you encounter, know that this same essence has the same heart, filled with aches and pains, joys and sorrows, triumphs and failures as you. Emanate from your heart space the love that you know yourself to be. Infect those around you with loving insertive and reactive behaviors. Remember you have access to your heart field which extends 8 feet in the shape of a torus (donut) around you. Imagine this field interacting with others, communicating joy, love, empathy, peace, and togetherness as it mingles the heart spaces become resonant. It does not matter if you cannot see it. Science has proven it’s existence, so now it is up to you to remember and know this truth. Know it is there, feel it, and send loving kindness through it, watch the reactions of those within your bubble as they also feel it. Know that what you are directing your heart field toward with intention is actually occurring. This is our creative energy field, whatever we are feeling or habitually thinking about is sent out through this torus field of energy, and either attracts or repels according to what is being sent. This also happens in prayer at a level beyond space and time, and so touches those you focus upon. Remember? We are powerful beyond our wildest imaginings. The Heart’s electromagnetic frequency arcs out from the Heart and back in the form of a torus field. The axis of this Heart torus extends from the pelvic floor to the top of the skull, and the whole field is holographic, meaning that information about it can be read from each and every point in the torus. The Hearts’ torus electromagnetic field is not the only source that emits this type of electromagnetic field. Every atom emits the same torus field. The Earth is also at the centre of a torus, so is the solar system and even our galaxy, all are holographic. Scientists believe there is a good possibility that there is only one universal torus encompassing an infinite number of interacting, holographic tori within its spectrum. Because electromagnetic torus fields are holographic, it is more than likely that the sum total of our Universe is present within the frequency spectrum of a single torus. This means that each one of us is connected to the entire Universe and as such, can access all the information within it at any given moment. Taken from healingenergytools.com Everything you think and everything you feel depends on the position of the Assemblage Point.
– Don Juan The Assemblage Point is a tube-like bundle of light energy contained within our energy field, which flows through the front and back of the energy vortex known as the heart Chakra. Situated within this heart centre, the AP is known to be the “Seat of our Consciousness”. The Assemblage Point lies at the epicenter of your energy field in the area of the heart chakra. It’s position dictates how you feel, perceive, and behave in the world. A centered location equates to a centered existence. It is called the Assemblage Point because we are assembled in the womb from the umbilical cord that connects us to the placenta of our mother. The major input of energy enters the developing foetus via the navel.” The Assemblage Point is the main place where our energy field connects with our physical body. The assemblage point is directly connected with our life force energy. It lies in the centre of the chest at the nipple line. The assemblage point is slightly higher on women than men. At this point lines of energy pass through the chest and out of the back. The assemblage point is actually a cluster of energy lines. Where these energy lines enter the chest there is generally a tender or sensitive area of skin with a diameter of 0.5 – 1.0 cms. The clustering of lines of energy at the assemblage point creates a stronger energy potential compared to other areas of the energy field. The position of the assemblage point has a direct effect on our physical and psychological health. When is correctly aligned we will feel positive and happy. We will be healthy and interact well with other people. When the assemblage point is out of alignment we may feel unwell or anxious. We may be lacking in energy and feel that life is constant struggle. From the book “The Catalyst Of Power – The Assemblage Point Of Man” by Jon Whale Ph.D. |
AuthorMy name is Linda Rutledge and I have been practicing energy work for over 20 years. I am a Biofield Tuning Practitioner in New Jersey and I trained with Eileen Mckusick, author of “Tuning the Human Biofield: Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy”. I am also a Reiki Master and an Integrated Energy Practitioner (IET). Archives
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