Biofield Tuning described by author and founder Eileen McKusick
Biofield Tuning was developed by pioneering researcher and practitioner Eileen Day McKusick and is based on her 20 years of clinical inquiry into the Biofield Anatomy. It is a simple, non-invasive, and efficient method that can produce profound and powerful outcomes.
Jennifer Kauffman, survivor of the Boston Marathon bombing receives a Biofield Tuning session.
Description of the Biofield Tuning tuning fork method.
Linda Rutledge has been certified in
Biofield Tuning since 2016. Biofield Tuning NJ
Description by Eileen McKusick, from Biofield Tuning (formerly Sound Balancing) is a process that uses tuning forks both diagnostically and therapeutically to locate and correct distortions in the body’s energy field, or biofield. Vibrating forks are passed over the body, starting at the edge of the biofield (on average, 5 to 6 feet to either side of the body) and moving slowly inwards towards the mid-line of the body. The terrain of the biofield appears to contain a compartmentalized record of an individual’s life history, with different areas of the field storing information related to different emotions, relationships and time periods. This understanding of the ‘Biofield Anatomy’ is unique to the Biofield Tuning process. Depending on where the area of noise falls in the biofield, we are able to determine at what age a particular trauma occurred and what the primary emotion or relationship was that was involved. Places that store history of trauma are generally charged and stuck, and just as lithotripsy uses sound waves to break up kidney and gall stones, the sound produced by the forks breaks up energy knots and facilitates circulation of the subtle energy in the field as well as body.Some pockets contain very non-beneficial frequency compositions, or ‘pathological oscillations’, and may be related to unprocessed (or ‘undigested’) trauma from an earlier time. Over time, these areas of ‘scrambled information’ can create a breakdown of the physical body in that region. Patterns of thought, habitual emotion, and disturbances are easily identified. For example, if someone feels angry often, there will be a lot of charge (as evidenced by the increase in volume of the tuning forks) over the liver, the organ that stores and processes anger. If a person has pain in a particular place, for example, sciatica, there will be a significant amount of static in the tone produced in that area. Tuning forks work therapeutically through the physics principles of resonance and entrainment: initially they resonate with whatever dissonance they encounter, but after a few moments the orderly sine wave produced by the fork overtakes the dissonance being produced by the body. It has a modulating effect, settling the frequency down if it is too elevated, stimulating it if it is under-functioning. The Center for Disease Control estimates that 85% of all diseases are caused by emotional stress. The patterns of this stress show up as imbalances in energy distribution throughout the biofield. Sound Balancing provides the body and the mind with the opportunity to return to an energetically balanced center, or neutrality, and move from there. The sum total of receiving a Biofield Tuning treatment is that our energies become centered, balanced and integrated. The nervous system resets into a more relaxed place, resulting in immediate and sometimes profound relief from pain, tension and anxiety. In addition, one is left with an awareness of the workings of one’s energetic body, which can make it easier to recognize and overcome self-defeating thinking and behavior. Sessions are approximately 60 minutes. Distance Sessions Interestingly, this work can be conducted at a distance. Both client and practitioner act as if the body is on the treatment table and a session is conducted accordingly. The same bioplasmic patterns that would reveal themselves in person appear and respond exactly as if one is present. Clients who receive distance work express amazement at how much they feel in their bodies while the work is doing done and how different they feel afterwards. A one hour session is followed by a 15 minute phone or skype conversation about the experience. Contraindications to treatment include: Anyone with a pacemaker, anyone undergoing active treatment for cancer or anyone pregnant. Please understand that any information presented regarding biofield tuning is not intended to represent that it’s used to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any medical problem or psychological disorder nor is biofield tuning a substitute for seeking professional health care advice and services. |